The theme was "Improving Profits Through an Effective Safety Program" and besides making good points about
helping the company by employees making safety a priority, it also improves everyone's personal lives.
A few bullet points from the seminar:
Safety is for Life
• It is not a project
• It is not a one time event
• Every decision employees make will impact their future and the future of the business
Why Accidents Happen
• Accidents do not happen by accident; they are caused
• There are many reasons for accidents
• Accidents usually happen from repeated activities
Things we do routinely are things we tend to not think about as we do them. We start thinking about what to have for dinner or about the kids, etc. In this age of multi-tasking our attention is divided. Safety issues should always remain at the forefront of our activities.

Have a safe and happy holiday!
Jim "Doesn't Run With Scissors" Stahl