Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why Use PDF Files?

Streamlining! PDF stands for "Portable Document Format". With so many un-compatible software packages there needed to be a way for each end user to communicate with one another. PDFs are a common file format that all users can open and read.

PDFs provide a more consistent and reliable file for hi-res imagesetters. They allow for fewer delays from missing components or unstable files.

PDF files contain all fonts, graphics and page layout information necessary to display and print the file exactly as it is laid out. Of course, there are certain rules to go by when creating the perfect PDF. As long as the graphics are hi-res and the fonts are imbedded, you can't go wrong with the file.

The key benefits of PDF files are page, platform, application and device independence. Most programs today can create a PDF file. Making it possible to share your electronic documents easily with different end users.

Anita D. Pasco
PrePress Technician

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